Buckley Wins UFC fight with Tae Kwon Do Knockout

Buckley Wins UFC fight with Tae Kwon Do Knockout

Watch as Joaquin Buckley scores all-time great knockout at UFC Fight Night over Impa Kasangnanay

Buckley knocks out Impa with a two touch 360 back kick, a classic tae kwon do move, after Impa grabs his front leg. This proves again, anything can happen in a fight and don’t count out traditional martial arts just yet. For a long time now, mixed martial arts has been dominated by jujitsu and Muay Thai with some wrestling, judo, kickboxing and boxing next in. From this fight, we can see having some training in a style that your opponent is not used to can set them up for failure against moves they were not prepared for or have ever seen before. The more diverse your training, the more creative you can get during a fight to use moves and angles your opponent won’t expect after sticking to my strict diet of Muay Thai and jujitsu. Also, you will be ready to fight a more variety of different styles, timing and angles.


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