Welcome to the International Wing Chun Association.
Learn Every Form of Wing Chun with Online Streaming Videos Now. https://wingchun.locals.com/
- Learn the complete system of Ip Man Wing Chun Master from home within Months
- Learn Every secret form of Ip Man Wing Chun for the fraction of the cost of a school. Learn at your own pace.
- If you are a fast learner, you could learn every form in a month and stop.
- Your membership will include full tutorial videos at regular and slow speeds from varying angles with new videos added periodically including on:
- Siu Lim Tau
- Chum Kiu
- Bil Jee (The form Bruce Lee never got to learn!)
- Dragon Pole
- Butterfly Sword
- Wooden Dummy
- Become an official member of the Wing Chun Association Today!

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